As a Management Consultant I bring to my clients extensive experience in business planning to support, new business ventures, turn arounds and developing high performance teams. I am uniquely qualified to help organizations in the following roles and core competencies:

Interim Operations Executive
this is an attractive option for organizations who want a seasoned operations executive to assess the health of their business or when they simply need an experienced leader to keep their business on track and moving forward until the new leader & reinforcements arrive.
Thought Leadership
for some clients there is real value in having a trusted advisor, confidant and thought partner to senior executives. Someone who has sat in their chair who can act as a sounding board when faced with exciting growth opportunities or marketplace challenges – a business advisor who opens up their perspectives and gives them a new way to see the possibilities.
Planning on Purpose
drawing upon my many years of planning experience I am qualified and have a talent to step in and provide advice and counsel on market development strategies, go-to-market initiatives and in the moment counsel when opportunities arise.
Related assignments and experiences have included
  • Served as the interim VP of Operations for Starbucks $400 million Midwest Operating Region for four months in FY-07. Directed the development of the Region’s 2008 Annual Operating Plan, aligned/unified the Regional Management team and re-energized a performance driven culture.
  • Lead consultant and author for Unocal’s Five Year “Turnaround” Business Strategy for the State of Hawaii; generated targeted cash flows and returns to the organization through a rejuvenated retail system and expanded jobber network.
  • Primary accountability for the development, introduction and performance of Unocal’s transformative Retail Business formats (Fast Break Convenience stores, Prowash and Auto Pulse) and branded alliance partnerships (Circle K, Carl’s Jr., Del Taco, etc.)
  • Directed Fleetwood Enterprises strategic move into direct Retailing through the development and rollout of their new retail format – “The Fleetwood Home Center.”

“To create a future, the purpose must become a dream, and the dream must become a plan.”